Tourism Supporter Membership

Supporters will receive discounts on a range of programs and services, including a QTIC Member Welcome Pack, to promote their involvement with the industry.

$440 Annually

Get the support you need.

• Tourism In Action Monthly QTIC newsletter.

• Exclusive member news and updates about business support, events and activities, and funding/grant opportunities.

• Vote on and nominate for the QTIC Board.

• Consultation with QTIC on issues and policies affecting tourism businesses.

•  QTIC Member Welcome Pack including logo and certificate to promote your involvement with industry.

•  Exclusive member offers and opportunities from our partners.

•  Access to QTIC Member Directory.

•  Access to QTIC’s suite of industry professional development and education courses.

•  Participation in Queensland Tourism Futures, 1 mentee or 1 mentor.

•  Access to QTIC Grants Gateway.

•  QTIC Letter of Support.

•  Access to QTIC’s suite of workforce development programs.

•  Access to QTIC’s suite of business capability development programs.

•  10% discount on Sustainable Tourism Accreditation program registration or renewal fees.

•  Networking opportunities with First Nations tourism leaders and businesses, and support from the QTIC Indigenous Programs Team.

•  Discounted tickets to QTIC events.

•  Exclusive access to member only webinars and events.

•  Complimentary tickets to QTIC industry webinars.

•  25% discount on Queensland Tourism Awards nominations.

Still unsure which membership is right for you? We're here to help!